The Lucky Swagman

One sunny day there was swagman he was traveling this place to another place.
The swagman was very thirsty and he didn’t have any water to drink. The swagman was walking under the mountain, and when he was walking he saw a nice man with lots of sheep.
He thought he can ask him to get some water from the nice man “Can I have some water please?”asked the swagman “Yes you can. Here you go, you can have all the water because my house is not too far and I can get some more.” ”Ah thank you very much” said the swagman.
After that he just told the man thanks and just walked away. The swag man was happy because in the world some people are very good and respect everyone.
After that the swag man just sat next to a billabong tree.
A sheep was eating grass over there. The swagman saw the man he saw before. He was the nice man. He was trying to get that sheep and the swagman jumped on the sheep, he got the sheep and he gave it to him and the nice man said “thank you.”
The swag man was looking at the bush over there, and there was a snake fighting with a crocodile.  The swagman thought about Australia’s animals. The snakes and crocodiles and kangaroos and koalas….
The swag man was hungry and the swagman was finding a sandwich from his back and then he found it and he said: I have to go now and I will see you next story